Thursday, September 08, 2011

Vacation Completed, Back in Canada

I came back to Canada home from home in Taiwan

What does this mean?
  • Back to work, catching up email and resetting expiring passwords. On-Call begins next week
  • I miss Wendy/Ella and my family dearly the first hour of my departing flight. I don't want to travel alone again, even if it's in Business class
  • Taiwan weather 35C, Waterloo weather 15C = Cold
  • I was sick in Taiwan and slowly recovering, the cold weather here means I'll probably be sicker for another week
  • Need to buy grocery and food = Fast food and Takeout for next few days then

What this trip meant?
  • Spending time with family is great, and I want to spend more and more time as my parents get older
  • 2 weeks is too short to "tour" the baby around relatives on both sides
  • One could survive in Taiwan's 35-40C weather without air conditioning, provided you live near mountain with winds
  • Location or Country doesn't matter, it's People that matter. As long as the people you care are together, you are home.

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