Friday, August 19, 2011

Just In Case

As usual, I want to say something before any trip, just in case

Wendy hates me to think or talk about this kind of stuff, I don't blame her
This habit becomes intensified after the marriage, and now with a baby. I think about how I can't survive without my family or vice versa. So I started obtaining the optional Life Insurances, and Critical Illness Insurances via work, again just in case

So here it is
給我的爸媽家人 -
謝謝你們的照顧和好榜樣 過去的日子很少陪你們 希望以後 至少能夠長伴身旁

給我親愛的老婆和女兒 -
只有自己一個人的人生 牽掛的只有自己
有了你們 我牽掛的卻只有你們 尤其是Ella 因為他還不能照顧自己 還沒長大
如果我真的不在了 要記得 我好愛好愛你們 你要替我照顧好我爸媽和Ella..
以後告訴Ella 爸爸會想她 會一直陪著她

給我的朋友 - Thank you for all the great memories..


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