Sunday, September 11, 2011

September 11, ten years after

This is my first post about 9/11, hopefully last too.
That day, like World War I/II, changed the world forever

I was only a second-year University student

I was told that a plane crashed into WTC over the phone in the morning, and I didn't think much of it (it must be a small plane or a joke). Then it's not until I got to school and walked by SLC TV monitors, where I saw videos of plane crashing into the building. Wordless, Speechless........ I didn't feel a thing, I couldn't.

Sad thing is that I don't have many photos or memory of my visit to WTC in 1997. And now I never will.

2011/9/11, ten years after
Despite all the inconveniences of air travel. I can live with them and understand the reasons.
NYC remains beautiful despite missing WTC, but it will never be the same. Ground Zero is world's scar of human darkness.

I am a dad now, have a family, and every time I fly, I think of my loved ones because you never know what will happen. I say my love when I can.

I will fight and sacrifice, like those on United 93, just so others may live. Let all the sorrow be mine.

Some links

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